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  • Kitty Edwards

Your Body of Knowledge

"Everything you need to know is within you. Listen. Feel. Trust the body's wisdom."

~ Dan Millman

I visited the “Best New Business in Boulder” last week. It was a delightful place. The entry was filled with locally crafted ceramic vessels, ornamental glass and soft weavings. Their services include body care with rose petals, essential oils and body wraps.

This is a place I want to revisit in the future.

This isn’t an art gallery or a spa. It is The Natural Funeral, a local, independent holistic funeral home and end-of-life resource center. The experienced staff promotes natural, ecologically sustainable funeral options. They provide gentle care of the deceased and opportunities for families to be included in the care of their loved ones.

This month I am engaged in making plans for the care of my body after death. I have visited several mortuaries and crematoriums. A visit to this new resource was required. I met with Karen van Vuuren, co-founder of The Natural Funeral and Natural Transitions, a non-profit organization that publishes Natural Transitions Magazine . She gave me a tour that included the art gallery of funereal objects – hand-made caskets, urns, shrouds, and glass vessels for cremains – all sourced from local artisans.

The Natural Funeral also hosts a community space for grief groups, death education programs, and end-of-life documentation preparation. Plus, they provide a lovely space where family and friends may vigil with the body of their loved one.

It is a sacred space filled with love, grief and ceremony.

What resources does your community offer?

To help you articulate your choices for the disposition of your body, I have developed a set of questions that will walk you through the maze of decisions. This will not be easy. It requires that you do the research to find the best resources to match your choices and budget. I share questions with you in Conscious Transitions – Spring 2019 Workbook Part V.

Are you ready to truly do work?

Let’s take the step we don’t want to take together.

Kitty Edwards, Executive Director Boulder, Colorado

Part V of Conscious Transitions Workbook will help you make decisions about the care of your physical body after death. It includes thought-provoking questions, worksheets and several wonderful resources for you to investigate.

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