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  • Kitty Edwards

Circle of Support

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much."

~ Helen Keller

Building an end-of-life care community is a challenge for most of us.

Since my husband and I do not have children to lean on in times of difficulty, we have to expand our search for those who can help. We worried that by asking for help we could become a burden upon our younger friends.

To our surprise, all those we asked enthusiastically said yes.

Of course our requests necessitated lots of conversation about our values, life choices and wishes for care. We were required to speak up clearly because we did not have the traditional support system.

I know that many folks do not have a support system which makes it a challenge to create an end-of-life care community. I encourage you to gather up your nerve and begin these important end-of-life care conversations. You too may be surprised by the support that is available.

As I complete my literal preparations for death as a rite of passage, sign and seal the many documents – living will, medical durable power of attorney, power of attorney for financial matters, last will and testament, declaration of disposition of my last remains, legacy letters – I return to the need to have conversations.It is through conversations with our end-of-life care team that we share an understanding of what matters most in life.

Our conversations will make it easier to make decisions when the time comes and in the process change the way we confront the end of life.

My final workbook of the year focuses on the selection a Digital Doer who can close your online accounts once you are gone. Plus, I suggest topics for discussion with your end-of-life care team.

These might be conversations that you want to initiate over the holidays as you gather with friends and family.

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