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  • Kitty Edwards

Introducing Conscious Caregiving

conscious caregiving

There are more than 55 million family caregivers in the United States.

I am one of them.

I have been a caregiver for many people in my life. I know firsthand that caregiving is an intimate, personal and often difficult journey.

And I want to share that journey with you.

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of caregivers – adult children caring for elderly parents, parents caring for very sick children, a spouse caring for his partner, professional caregivers working in palliative and hospice care, ICU doctors and nurses.

I've been honored to listen to their stories as they shared their grief, challenges, and the priceless moments of joy.

The result is Conscious Caregiving, a free, 18-part online series from The Living & Dying Consciously Project, designed to assist you in navigating the journey of caregiving for someone who is moving toward the threshold of death.

Conscious caregiving happens when you awaken to your own physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

You become aware of your intricate relationship with the precious one you are caring for. You are grounded and connected to the natural world around you.

It is a practice you will awaken to again and again.

Starting today, and continuing through November, you'll find a new episode delivered directly to your inbox every Tuesday morning. (If you're not already on our mailing list, you can sign up here

We will share stories, tips and simple rituals to help you build your resilience as a caregiver, as well as resources if you want to go deeper into a topic.

All free and at no cost to you.

Each short weekly module in the Conscious Caregiving series will focus on a single topic – self-care, grief, family dynamics, dementia, spousal caregiving and more – to help you navigate your caregiver's journey.

Knowing from experience how little time caregivers often have, I have designed the series as an easy to digest "watch and read" that will take only a few minutes of your time each week.

Caregiving is at times overwhelming and yet it is such an honor to care so tenderly for another.I hope my sharing of my journey will help you through yours.

Will you join me?

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